Remote Control is the fictional story of an SAS agent named Nick Stone, who is on the case of two Irish terrorists. He follows them across the Atlantic to Washington, D.C., but is suddenly ordered back home on the next available flight. His old mate Kevin Brown, now with the Drug Enforcement Agency, lives near the airport, so Nick decides to drop in...
My Thoughts: Meet Nick Stone - cool, calm and collected with plenty of finesse and a level head in every situation. Stone really is a 'too good to be true' kind of character. And I love him!
I read this book a long time ago on a plane but I know that it was one of my favourites. The techniques that McNab outlines evidently come from experience and the action never lies dormant for long. I can remember this one being a little more complicated to read than the likes of Chris Ryan and Lee Child but it is very much character-focused (just how I like them) and Nick Stone was one of my all time favourites. Be aware - there is one particularly shocking scene in this book - I'm not easily disturbed, but it made my skin crawl...
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