Katie O'Dwyer flees the constraints of her rural Irish upbringing for the excitement of London. Here she meets and falls in love with William Melville: the imposing head of the Melville fashion dynasty. Elusive, charismatic; married. Their affair is brief but passionate. Katie conceives a child. Fifteen years later she succumbs to cancer; and her beautiful daughter Caitlin finds that she must go to live in England, with the father she has never met. Her half-sisters - cold, high-achieving Elizabeth, and spoilt princess Amber - react to her with hostility; while their elegant mother is too high on valium to notice what goes on. Reeling from her mother's death, unable to fit into this alien world, Caitlin is sent away to boarding school. It is here that something happens which is so awful, so brutalizing, it will change Caitlin forever . . .
My Thoughts: Now, as a bookseller, I occasionally like to step outside of my comfort zone when it comes to reading. Mainly so that I can make knowledgable recommendations to customers that don't share the same reading tastes as myself. This definitely is a book that is not my style. It was an enjoyable read - did remind me a little of a Soap Opera and would be perfect for lounging about on holiday with. It touched on a few disturbing issues, but wasn't graphic in any way and so wasn't offensive at all.
If the idea of a tame Virginia Andrews novel with a Sweet Valley High twist appeals to you, then by all means, give it a go. Money, sex, fashion and family - all tangled up into one fairly decent read. Not too bad as far as chick-lit is concerned.
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